Friday, 10 October 2014

A mini harvest of our own! / Notre mini-recolte!

Several months ago, Quentin and some friends created a vegetable garden on the church grounds. Last night, after evening prayer, one of the deacons went to check on the state of the plants and came back with a little harvest! While we may have missed out on 'Ploughing the fields and scattering' in England this year (as in singing the hymn rather than physical labour!), we will still have the privilege of enjoying the fruits of the earth here :-)

(see picture below)


Il y a quelques mois Quentin et quelques amis ont créé un potager sur le terrain de l’église. Hier soir, après la réunion de prières, un des diacres est allé voir l’état des plantations et est revenu avec une petite récolte ! Bien que nous ayons manqué les labours et l’ensemencement des champs en Angleterre (comme le dit un cantique, qui n’est pas une allusion à un travail physique !) nous avons encore le privilège de goûter aux fruits de la terre ici


  1. Oh you don't know how much this makes my heart glad! To know that you have some fresh fruit and veg!! Have you eaten of the fruit of someone's else's labours?! Did they taste good? Then thank the Lord, o thank the Lord for all His love!!

  2. Yes, we did benefit from someone else's labours! It all tasted very good :-) We're hoping to plant some more seeds on Sunday... Will be praying for a good harvest in a few months' time!
