Monday 25 August 2014

On our way!!!

What a morning!

The short story is that we managed to get on the plane from London to Paris. We are now at the airport in Paris waiting for our connection to Cotonou. Praise God for getting us here - it was a close call!

The long story is that we arrived at the airport with slightly heavy bags and were told the airline was incredibly strict (80 Euros per bag over the limit by even 2kg) so we spent some time redistributing things. We then went to a special check-in desk (Business Class!) because we had charity tickets. The lady there asked for proof that we were actually working for a charity. Did not know we needed that. Doh. After a few long discussions; we established that there was no way they would let us on the plane until we had provided a document on headed paper proving that we were with a charity. Lots of earnest prayers were sent up. Our wonderful friend Pat started making frantic phone calls and after about 30 minutes, we finally managed to get hold of someone who works for AFM in the UK (the Americans were all asleep!), he wrote a letter and emailed it through, then I emailed it to the check-in lady. She went to print it but was having printer problems. Etienne tried to help but verified that the printer was not fixable! After a few more emails, the check-in lady agreed to check us in and print the document later for their records. Thank you Air France for your grace!

After a very hurried goodbye, we ran through security and made it to the gate well on time!

The devil is really on a mission to stop us it would seem. But he has already lost. God is all powerful and totally faithful - He has never let us down and He never will. Thank you all for your prayers and even if you are not sure if you believe in God, please pray for us!!!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will REST in the shadow of the Almighty." We rest in His capable arms :-)

Sunday 3 August 2014

One month later... / Un mois plus tard...

As we finally take time to update the blog, I realise that we have not updated it for exactly a month today! Sorry for not sharing more information about what has happened for us in the past few weeks.

The beginning of July was packed with last minute tasks. These included getting our visas for Benin, organising a work leaving lunch do, having a few more jabs, buying a few more items to take with us to America, preparing the house so it can be rented out, spending a bit more time with our parents and friends, etc...!

With all of that to accomplish, it nearly took us by surprise when we arrived at the airport on Friday 18 July to catch our flight to Chicago. It was hard work to achieve everything on time, but we were really excited to be 'crossing the pond' to meet with other missionaries and attend our training. It was also a great feeling to finally be able to focus 100% of our attention and energy to our missionary project.

When we arrived here in Berrien Springs, Michigan, the Hamel family (Carolyn's relatives on the Cooper side) were incredibly hospitable and looked after us all weekend until our training started on Sunday 20 July. It was exactly what we needed to relax, switch off from our busy last few months in England and prepare our mind for training.

We joined a group of 14 other student and short-term missionaries who are attending the same training as us. After a couple of weeks spent with them, we feel like a family. Everyone in the group is so willing to serve and help that the daily chores are actually fun to do altogether.

Our first week of training was focused on Discipleship and how the way we live should reflect the gospel we believe in. It was very exciting to study Bible texts and understand them from new perspectives. AFM Training really emphasises the relational aspects of missionary life: we have learned that sharing our weaknesses, showing a willingness to learn and to serve, and living the same lifestyle as the locals is a lot more meaningful to the people we want to reach than preaching 1000 words of the gospel.

At the end of the first week of training we had a survival weekend, intended to push us to our limits and simulate some of the challenges we could face in the mission field. This weekend was called 'The Crucible' and I think we should write a full blog post just on that subject to do it justice. So watch this space....

Finally, during the past week, we have been learning some tools to adapt, integrate and learn not only a new language, but also a new culture. It is hard to exactly understand how these will apply to our mission field in Benin, as every project is different, but it is very interesting to discover little tips to help accelerate this process.

All of the missionaries training with us here will soon be scattered around the world, some going to Thailand, others to the Philippines and others in countries we can't even name to ensure the missionaries safety. We are very blessed to share this month of our lives with each and every one of them, hearing their experiences, discovering the way God called them to be missionaries and witnessing their Christ-like attitudes as we live together. I pray that we will be able to create the same atmosphere and environment with the Bade family when we arrive in Benin and continue to enrich one other's lives.

Our flight to Benin is about to be booked for Monday 25 August!


Nous prenons enfin le temps de poster sur le blog, et je réalise que nous ne vous avons pas tenu au courant depuis un mois jour pour jour! Désolé de n'avoir pas partagé d'avantage d'informations durant ces 4 dernières semaines.

La première moitié du mois de Juillet était remplis de démarches de dernière minute.  Cela comportait l'obtention de notre Visa pour le Benin, l'organisation de notre pot de départ au boulot, l'administration de quelques vaccins, l'achat de quelques accessoires qui nous serons utile au Benin, la préparation de la maison pour la location, quelques moments de qualité avec nos parents et amis, etc...

Avec toutes ces choses a finaliser, cela nous a presque pris par surprise lorsque nous avons du nous rendre a l'aéroport le Vendredi 18 Juillet pour prendre notre vol a destination de Chicago O'Hare. Ce fut épuisant d'accomplir toutes ces choses en si peu de temps, mais dans le même temps excitant de traverser l'Atlantique afin de rencontrer d'autres missionnaires et prendre part a notre formation. C'est aussi une grande satisfaction de pouvoir concentrer toute notre attention et notre énergie a notre projet missionnaire.

Lorsque nous sommes arrives ici a Berrien Springs, la famille Hamel (des cousins de Carolyn du cote Cooper) nous ont accueillis a bras ouverts et ils ont pris soin de nous jusqu'au début de notre formation le Dimanche 20 Juillet. C'était exactement ce dont nous avions besoin afin de nous détendre, nous déconnecter de nos derniers mois stressant en Angleterre et préparer nos cerveaux pour la formation.

Nous avons rejoint 14 autres étudiants missionnaires qui participent a la même formation. Apres a peine 2 semaines de vie commune, nous nous sentons en famille. Tout le monde dans le groupe veut rendre service et aider, a tel point que les taches ménagères du quotidien sont un réel plaisir. Notre première semaine de formation ce concentrait sur la vie en tant que disciple et la façon dont notre vie devrait être le reflet de nos croyances. C'est vraiment chouette d'étudier des textes bibliques et de les comprendre sous un angle nouveau. AFM met vraiment en lumière l'aspet relationnel de la vie de missionnaire. Partager nos faiblesses, vouloir apprendre et se mettre au service de l'autre, et vivre dans les mêmes conditions que les locaux est bien plus parlant que de long discours.

A la fin de notre première semaine de formation nous avons pris part a un weekend survie, ayant pour but de nous pousser dans nos retranchements et de simuler certaines situations auxquelles nous pourrions avoir a faire face durant notre année missionnaire. Ce week-end s'appelle "Le Chaudron" et je pense que pour lui rendre justice, nous devrons écrire un article exclusivement sur ce sujet.

Finalement, durant la semaine écoulée, nous avons découvert certain outils pour s'adapter, s'intégrer et apprendre non seulement une nouvelle langue, mais aussi une nouvelle culture. Ce n'est pas toujours évident d'apprécier comment ces outils s'appliqueront a notre mission au Benin, étant donne que chaque projet est différent, mais c'est intéressant de découvrir certain conseil qui peuvent accélérer ce processus.

Dans le mois qui vient, tous les missionnaires en formation avec nous ici seront éparpillé a travers le monde, certain en Thaïlande, d'autres aux Philippines et d'autre encore dans des pays que nous ne pouvons pas mentionner pour ne pas compromettre leur identité et leur sécurité. Nous sommes vraiment bénis de pouvoir partager ce mois avec chacun d'entre eux, d'écouter leurs témoignages, la façon dont Dieu les a appelle a être missionnaire et te bénéficier chaque jour de leur attitude chrétienne. Je prie et j'espère que nous pourrons créer la même atmosphère avec la famille Bade lorsque nous arriverons au Benin et que nous pourrons également nous enrichir les uns les autres.

Nos billets d'avions pour le Benin sont presque réservés pour le Lundi 25 Aout!